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The Austin Rhodes Show


Knowing What Your Kids Are Up To – Austin’s Daily Commentary

Austin admits to agreeing with Richard Roundtree about knowing where your kids are and what they're up to. [audio mp3=""][/audio] Transcript: Austin: Every now and then, I have to publicly acknowledge that I agree with Richard Roundtree about something. The sheriff of Richmond County, in a recent press conference mentioning that parents need to know where their kids are, what they're doing, and what's going on in their lives. As the parent of a teenager, I can tell you it's been proof positive every day that their kids are up to things that they may not be up to. Kids are up to things they don't want you to know about. Kids have things going on in their lives that they would rather their parents not know. It's up to us to be surveillance experts and psychiatrists. As a matter of fact, try and understand and keep up with what's going on in the lives of our kids that that we have to know about. And I'm not talking just about keeping up with grades and personal friendships and making sure they're eating right. I'm talking about what's going on in their rooms. When was the last time that you, as a parent, went through your teenager's room from top to bottom? Do you know what's in there? Do you know who your kid hangs around with? Do you know and understand the dynamics of his personal relationships or hers? Folks, it is imperative that you know your children. You keep up with your kids, and you keep up with their social media presence as well. Sheriff Roundtree is right when he says parents are responsible for kids and that we all need to do a better job of making sure that our children, the children that we brought in the world that we have agreed to take care of until they are old enough and smart enough to do it on their own, that they are doing the right things, making the right choices, and keeping the right friends. It's our responsibility. Let's live up to it better every single day. And that's the comment, I'm Austin Rhodes, 95.1 FM News Talk WGAC. For more from The Austin Rhodes Show, click here.

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