Rhodes Rants! Austin Has Words For Soft On Crime Lawmakers
Footage of the migrants who were recently released without bail after beating and kicking NYC police officers really got Austin riled up about soft on crime lawmakers:
Austin: All right. We are back, AM 580/95 one FM, NewsTalk WGAC, look up at your screen real quick if you got Fox News on in there. So Michelle, I just was telling Michelle, check out her screen right this minute that they’re having a conversation on the Five about a collection of migrants who attacked several police officers in the streets of New York, kicking them in the head while they’re down.
I, first of all, the notion that a police officer has to take that level of physical abuse from somebody on the street and they’re not allowed to pull out their gun and shoot them when I would be able to if I were walking down the street here in Augusta, Georgia and somebody attacked me and I went down and they were kicking me while I was down. If I had a gun on me. And I do most of the time. I am, by law, allowed to pull that gun out and blow them to smithereens.
Michelle: I don’t I don’t know why anybody would want to be a cop in New York right now.
Austin: Yeah. It’s crazy. I wouldn’t want to be a cop in any major urban setting. Yeah, it’s crazy and white or black. Doesn’t make any difference. The people that live in big cities are either suspicious of cops or outwardly antagonistic toward them. And I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it in person.
And like I was telling you folks, when I was in Seattle, I happened upon a rough situation just driving along, and there it happened right in front of me. Three officers trying to take a completely stoned out and I say stoned, I don’t want to say stoned, because stoned reminds me of….the use of that word, reminds me of a mellow high. This person wasn’t stoned. They were out of their minds on something.
And this guy was not large, but he was solid and he was throwing around two male cops like they were ragdolls and they were not small officers and they were not out of shape. This guy was just out of his mind. And he had he had all kinds of what appeared to me to be very painful abrasions and cuts that he was completely ignoring. I mean, normally you get somebody with a gash in their arm is bleeding enough to be stitched up. You’re standing there holding it, saying, oh, my God, you know, because it freaks you out. This guy was oblivious.
And the thing that really prompted me more than anything else to, to get out of my car is as I was pulling up, the guy completely blasted the female cop in the face with his fist POW! And laid her out. She she popped back up. To her credit, she had a fat lip and was bleeding. And at that point I jumped out of the car. And folks, I was traveling to Seattle. I don’t have a gun on me. I would, I would have pulled it. Had I been in Augusta and seen that happen?
But I jumped out of the car and I walked up with both my hands in the air. I said, officers, I’m here if you need me. And at which point I noticed. I told this story when it happened. But I noticed, a collection of ne’er do wells nearby cheering on the drug dude. Right. Hit him! Get him, get them good. Get them pigs! And I’m like, what the hell? And as soon as they saw me, they started backing away like I was going to jump them or something. I don’t know what they thought. I wasn’t, but, you know. But, I mean, as much as I detest what they were doing, I’m not going to commit a felony because I don’t like their, you know, razzing a cop.
But bottom line, and the officers appreciated me being there and as a in matter of fact, one of them said as I was leaving, said, I don’t know how that crowd would have gone if they hadn’t seen you and a couple other folks that were sympathetic to us walking up. We appreciate that. And I said, hey, it’s the least I can do. Are you kidding me? Right? God bless you. I don’t know what you people make, but it ain’t enough. It ain’t enough. And this again, I’m trying to remember what the temperature was. I want to say it was 38, 39. It was cold, but not cold enough to snow. But there was mist outside and it was a yucky, gross day. And this guy, the drug dude, was wearing a pair of pants, no shirt, no shoes, and was wrestling these cops in a watered flower bed. So there was dirt and mud all over all three of them, right? Or actually all four of them. And I was I was just flabbergasted by it.
Well, take a look again at the the video today, the one of these migrants in New York attacking these cops. I told my wife last night, I said, you know, if I saw that happening, I swear I would draw down on those folks and say, stop. And if they didn’t, I would shoot them and smile. And I wouldn’t feel guilty. It wouldn’t bother me one iota to take somebody out who was kicking a cop in the head. And if I’m the police chief of New York. I think I get all the cops guessing. You know what? While I would never in a million years want you to advocate that we use firearms against unarmed people, if you are down and they attack you in the head, shoot them. But you just you can’t do that. You get that. Expect more of the same. Expect more of the same.
I’ll tell you something else too. Every one of these illegal aliens that are coming across the border. I don’t know what the official policy is. I need to look it up for. I say this, but here’s advocating this policy. If it’s not in place, I’d be collecting DNA on every one of those sons of guns. And if not catching them doing something they shouldn’t have done. I wonder how many of their relatives are around. Oh, we got Jose here. Jose didn’t appear to have too much of a record with his DNA, but two of his cousins raped a girl in in in Los Angeles last month. Well, let’s go find his two cousins, shall we? Wouldn’t that be awesome and fun and cool? Every single migrant illegally coming into this country should have a DNA and fingerprints. Of course. A DNA sample taken and stored permanently. Just like with fingerprints.
Austin: But the government would manipulate any….
Austin: Kiss my fanny. Go to hell. Don’t care to hear that! If the government is going to manipulate that stuff, they’re doing it already. Let’s. If we’re going to manipulate, let’s manipulate it against the bad guys. But no, I mean, seriously, a stockpile of identifier, of, data that identifies illegal aliens is not a bad thing, and it’s not unconstitutional. Technically speaking, the Constitution does not apply. To non-citizens.
But having said that, I think we ought to have DNA collected on all, convicted felons and, you know, people charged with serious crimes. But getting back to the point, you can’t tolerate this kind of behavior. And if you do anything other than come down with the sword of Damocles, you know, sword of Damocles, the sword of Damocles on these people, then you’re you’re just being an idiot. You are being an idiot. And this is one of the many things that President Trump needs to be highlighting.
You know, a lot of folks are saying, he kind of keeps beating on Biden and he can beat on Biden. I mean, there are some things that are easy to beat on Biden about, mainly his policies, when it comes to the infirmity, when it comes to his gaffes. I mean, all of that’s comic relief at this point. We’re well aware of it. What he needs to show is that video, I would be showing it on a loop and saying, we have two mindsets here. My mindset is, take every one of those bastards beaten on those cops and wear them out. Wear them out. What is the Democrat Party? The city of New York is Joe Biden’s Justice Department’s philosophy on this, to let them out without excuse me, would let to let them out on no bond. No bond. For kicking a cop in the head.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again because it’s such a great point. What do you think would happen to me if I walked up to Richard Roundtree, our sheriff in Richmond County, who, you know, I despise, and he despises me right back. And I went, hey, Sheriff, (spits) right in the face. You think I’d be put in jail? No. He’d probably shoot me right there, but I’d be put in jail at the very least. And I wonder what my bond would be. I bet it’d be higher than those schmucks.
Migrants. Attacking a cop, kicking him in the head, not spitting on him. Kicking him in the head. Unbelievable. I despise liberal policies and politics like cancer because I believe they are cancer. I believe when you go easy and soft on criminal activity, you get such horrific results, and you’re basically nurturing bad behavior and rewarding insolence and violence. With a big old dinner bell being run in every urban center in this country. Sanctuary cities, sanctuary states. How can you even begin at this point in time in history to say, that’s ok?
Cori Bush? Have you been seeing all of what’s going on with her? Now there’s, she she hired her husband or her boyfriend at the time. He’s now her husband to be her security guy. And people are bitching and moaning about using campaign money to pay. I don’t have any problem with that at all. None whatsoever. But the audacity of that woman to say defund the police while she’s paying her own private police. You know what she’s saying to you? Defund the public’s police. She doesn’t care about the common man who has to do battle with the common criminal. She shouldn’t care about that and should care about assisting the police that are there to protect and serve the community. She didn’t care about that. She has the resources and the wherewithal to have her own private police, and she’s going to fund them herself or through campaign funds, and the rest of the world can go to hell.
That’s the Democrat Party for you. That’s Jared Williams for you. I’m not going to say that Roundtree. Roundtree is pretty tough on crime and criminals. But it does speak to his intellect and his lack of authenticity. When you questioned why in the world would you turn to that idiot Jared Williams when you had a very strong and feared D.A. in Natalie Paine? What the hell’s the matter with you, Roundtree? Other than the fact that she’s the wrong color? And, oh, by the way, she didn’t kiss your boots. Other than that, she did a great job.
Thank goodness gracious. We have a democrat female, happens to be a black lady who is a genuine prosecutor running against Jared Williams. You can correct your mistake of three years ago Augusta, Richmond County I hope and pray to God you do it. If not, I don’t want to hear a damn word from any of you when third, fourth, fifth and sixth time losers who were not being prosecuted correctly in your court system, continue to kill your neighbors, your friends, your mothers, your fathers, your grandmothers, your daughters, your sons. I would advise you to get a couple of nice suits, because you be attending a lot of a lot more funerals than you would have been had you kept Natalie Paine in place. I despise soft on crime policies. And soft on crime principles. Despise it, like I said, like cancer. And anybody that propagates it is cancer in and of themselves. No doubt about that.
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