Austin: 17 Reasons To Vote For Trump
Recently a caller asked Austin to explain what Trump’s platform for running for President was, here’s how Austin responded, with his 17 reasons to vote for Trump:
Caller: What is Trump’s platform besides….all he ever talks about is the election was stolen and he’s being cheated. What is his platform and policy that he is going to put forward if he’s reelected? That helps America go. Okay. I’m gonna get off the phone.
Austin: Okay. Have a good day, John. Appreciate you.
Caller: I’m gone, you don’t have to hang up on me.
Austin: I’m not hanging up on you. I’m saying thank you for calling. Appreciate you. John. Okay. Okay. Let’s see how many. Give me a number. Toss. Toss me out a number. Michelle, give me a number. 17. 17. All right.
Number one. Only girls in girls’ sports. Very important. Right? Wouldn’t you say? Continue to support Israel. Israel was made, whole. I say made whole, a promise to Israel was finally kept. That every single president of the United States going back, I think, to Nixon, maybe even before Nixon. They all said, yeah, we’re going to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the. Yeah, yeah, we did it. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.
Guess what? Trump did it. So he’s going to continue to support Israel in in such a way. Number three drill baby drill! Every square inch of American soil within reason that we can use to harvest oil and energy. We’re going to do it. Period.
Number four: Keystone Pipeline and every other pipeline that needs to be built. Pipelines are superior to trucking. Pipelines are superior to tanker ships. And build, build, build the gas. That’s number four.
Bolster The 2nd Amendment
Number five: Every state in the Union is a right to conceal carry state because gun control, or lack thereof, is a federal issue as outlined by the Constitution of the United States. You should not have arbitrary limitations on your constitutional right to carry a firearm based on where you’re standing. Other than prisons, governmental buildings, things of this nature. Common sense. Common sense. Exceptions. All right, that’s five.
Six. Chinese trade. Prior to Donald Trump being president, China was given third world status on every trade deal and every trade negotiation. That’s baloney. There will be no oil rich countries, or for that matter, technology rich countries, or just rich countries that ever benefit from third world, negotiating status. And all of that done away with.
Six, seven OPEC, not OPEC. Pardon me. NATO, NATO has been sent a very clear message. All of the responding members. You pay your damn bills, you get in where you fit in. We’re not asking the smaller countries to give more than their fair share. We’re asking that they give the fair share that they agreed to when NATO was established. Doing so made NATO stronger and it made everyone appreciate NATO was tough love good old Trump gave them. And he was right. That’s seven.
Eight. This is so much fun. This is so much fun. We’re going to do away with as much income tax on middle class and upper middle class people as we possibly can, because you shouldn’t be punished for doing better in this country. You should be rewarded. I want income tax to come down for all wage earners. Geez Austin, And how do you do that? Well, there are any number of ways you can do it.
But I can tell you one thing we need to do. We need to get the underground economies that are going on in this country. And that would be everybody from drug dealers to prostitutes and every other kind of form of black market. We need to get them involved in the situation far more than they are. And and I guess I’m just sitting here blowing off steam now because it’s not one of my eight that I’ve given.
But but bottom line, we’re going to continue to lower income taxes for individuals. And I and I’ll include in that eight just to be, you know, generous here with you. Corporate income tax levels need to stay as low as possible as well. Matter of fact, if I were in charge, I would do away with corporate income taxes, period. A corporation is not a person. It should not be paying taxes. The people who were paid by that corporation should be paying the taxes. That’s fine. That’s income tax. But the corporations themselves should not be doing that.
Take A Hard Line On State-Sanctioned Terrorism
All right. Let’s go to number nine. Number nine is one of my favorites because it goes back a long, long way. If we catch you as a foreign country giving aid and or, assistance in any way, shape or form to a terrorism group that is inflicting damage in a real way, the way that Iran is doing right now. We not only have the ability to maintain strong sanctions on you as far as America goes, we need to get NATO and the United Nations and the rest of the world to come down on you equally as hard.
And this is one of those issues, I believe, that you’re either with us or against us. And if you’re against us, you don’t want to be against us because there will be a price to pay. We are not nearly as hard on Iran right this minute under Biden as Trump was, period. Biden gave him the go ahead to go ahead and start working on nuclear energy and this, that and the other one. What do they done? They’ve abused it. And they’re also using, finances to help back Hamas and some of these other groups that are, you know, attacking the Israelis. That’s number nine.
Number ten. Hehehehehehe. You make sure that we continue as a country to embrace individual freedoms and rights when it comes to medicine, and there will never be, under President Trump, a mandate that anyone gets a vaccine for anything under threat of non participation in world events. In other words, you’re not getting to the vaccine. You’re gonna be able to stay in the Army. You’re not getting a vaccine. You’re not. Unless something has been tried and true and tested and proven in a very real fashion. In other words, no more knee jerk reactions like we all had to the Covid vaccine. It was a ridiculous, over-the-top reaction, which takes me to number 11.
There will be no mandated shutdowns of state and local school systems, as long as they receive federal funding, unless it’s signed off on by the President in the United States. And by the way, we’re only going to sign off on such things in the event of a true natural disaster or emergency. And if you’re just willy nilly, we’re going to shut down today because we’re afraid that Covid might stick its head in the door and go, no, sorry, you’re not getting paid. You’re not getting any federal funding that day. That, that’ll get some of these yahoos in Chicago and Los Angeles that’ll that’ll get them going.
Was that number 11? How many did you tell me to do? 17. Yeah. All right. Number 12. Jeez. Give me a second here. Do you remember? uuuuuhhh, we’re we’re federalizing in the death penalty. Any any murder this committed in any of the 50 states. If there’s anything other than, you know, a, manslaughter defense charge.
In other words, any fight at the bar. Premeditated murder, particularly for thrill or profit. Immediately going to be prosecuted by the feds. And we are going to establish internally a Department of Public Defense for these death penalty, recipients and or hopeful recipients. And they will be very, very, very, very, very, very, well trained. The mistakes that are normally associated with 50 different states, attempting to try people and give them the death penalty will do away with that completely, because these folks are going to be very good at what they do. They’re not going to have the errors that local yokels often make, and it’s just going to be far more efficient.
By the way, that would also go toward speeding up, what’s the proper word? Mainlinine, mainlining, no streamlining, streamlining the process to get these executions taken care of far faster and far better. That’s number 12.
Number 13, we have a national crisis in this country as far as higher education goes, and particularly the medical sciences and the technical sciences. I think that we need to identify talented young men and women in middle school, if maybe not even elementary school, and fast track them on a higher education plan that would see their studies paid for in return, for government service. And you were, right now we’re looking at a teacher shortage.
You want to combat that? You go to enterprising middle schoolers in the inner city, the ones that are making good grades and say, hey, you want out of this inner city, carousel of hell that you’re in? We’re going to we’re going to give you the opportunity to sign up for federal service, either through public school teaching or public health relief or whatever it happens to be, maybe even military service. And your higher education is going to be paid for and pow… pay out. All right. That’s number 13.
Number 14. Trying to keep track here. Number 14. We are going to do away with any level of affirmative action in this country as it relates to race, religion, sexual orientation, or any of that. There will be no affirmative action in that direction. And if we, but we are going to do it in another wonderful way, we’re going to add a little sugar to the medicine, so to speak. We’re going to make it that way. If we catch you discriminating based on race, gender, sexual orientation, whatever it is, then if you own a private business, your business license will be seized. And if you work for the government that you’re you’ll be terminated and prosecuted. How about them apples? I would love to have to to have done that.
And by the way, John, saying you’re talking about that’s what you would like, actually, most if not all all conservatives would love all this stuff. Now, I mean, if you want me to go down the list of what Trump would do with what he has to work with, I mean, that’s an entirely different situation. You know, I have no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden would love to make disliking gay people or black people or white people or whatever happens to be, a constitutional right. I’m dead serious.
Let me back up. Joe Biden would like to make it a but not a gas station. Right? He would like to make it a federal offense. In other words, no freedom of speech. But he he doesn’t have the wherewithal to do that, nor does he have political backing to do. But I’m telling you, you said, hey, conservatives are in charge. What would you do? And I’m giving you a list. I’m up to 14 now, maybe 15, 16 and 17 in a minute. Stay with us.
And Finally, More Reasons To Vote For Trump
All right. We’re back. All right. 15. 16, 17, number 15. Minors do not get constitutional rights. My 14 year old son does not have a right to free speech in my house. He does not have a right to freely assemble in my house. Etc., etc. so why should he get a right to an abortion? Or she. It’s a girl. Where the hell does that come from? How in the world do you ever assume?
And by the way, ask any conservative and they’ll agree with me on this and need some of these things. You’re going to have to take, the constitutional amendment route. But I would love to see anyone stand up and try and say “my 16 year old needs to have the right to say whatever she wants to say.” Well, and bring her up here and let’s tell let her tell the world what she thinks of you.
And by the way, you’re not allowed to punish her. Number 16, federal prosecution for all gun crimes. You want to, you want to really clean this gun problem up? You pick up a weapon and use it illegally, particularly in the commission of a crime. Or if you’re a known felon, that that is doing something like that. Let’s send you to the federal penitentiary for a minimum of ten years. You talking about breaking up some of these gangs and finally, all these citizens that have been allowed in the ones that are allowed to stay because we got too many of them to do anything but but, you know, hold our breath and hope for the best….. ten years of clean living and productive living before you get to vote. Hip, hip. Hooray! And whoop de do! We’ll be back…