May The 4th Be With You!
May the 4th be with you once again my friends! Hard to believe it’s been 25 years since the release of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. I remember it like it was yesterday, standing in line for hours to get tickets for my 10 year old son to get to experience it in the theaters. We even did the marathon leading up to the release date, watching all 3 of the original movies when they were re-released in theaters was not enough, no, we then had to watch them all successively in the days before Phantom hit theaters so we were straight on all our Star Wars cannon before we could even think about seeing the new one.
Anticipation is key
This is the life of a nerdy mom, and to be honest, I kind of miss it. Not even the event itself can live up to the excitement and anticipation of “The First Episode” in the months and weeks beforehand. There’s nothing quite like a little kid’s excitement over such a widely anticipated upcoming event and the release of that movie had been talked about and obsessed over by nerdy folks for decades before it actually happened. I really don’t know how it could have possibly lived up to the hype.
“May the 4th Be With You” Is A Cultural Phenomenon!
The funny thing is, I didn’t grow up as a Star Wars kid. It wasn’t until my 20’s when my boyfriend at the time was horrified to learn I’d never seen the films. Of course I knew about them, Star Wars was a pop culture phenomenon that no one could escape. That situation was quickly rectified and honestly, I kind of laughed about how silly the whole thing was but little did I know this goofy movie was going to become a a real bonding experience between my son and I and later on my little brothers on the West coast.
For me, it wasn’t the movies themselves, it was the joy of watching the boys experience it.
When Disney started releasing fun new Star Wars content, it became a point of conversation and bonding with my younger brothers who are closer to my sons age than mine. We didn’t have a lot in common otherwise, but when it came to nerdy Star Wars stuff, I could at last hold my own in a conversation. It bridged the gap in ways that nothing else really could.
Enjoy the show!
What I’ve learned over the years is, there is no right or wrong way to be a Star Wars nerd. Whether you go all in with an intricate cosplay this weekend or your favorite old 25 year old t-shirt, I hope you enjoy your nostalgic fun! May the 4th be with you always!