Pelosi-buster: A New Record Set
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., at the time of this publication is holding the floor of the House of Representatives and has been for more than 8 hours and counting, in a record-breaking marathon speech protesting a budget deal reached by Senate leaders.
Fox confirms Pelosi breaks record for longest Hse flr speech. Old record was 5 hrs, 15 minutes in 1909 by Rep. Champ Clark (D-MO) in 1909 on tariffs and trade. Clark later became House Speaker.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) February 7, 2018
Chad Pergram who covers Congress for FOX News reports this is setting the record for longest House floor speech. The old record was 5 hours and 15 minutes in 1909 by Rep. Champ Clark (D-MO) in 1909 on tariffs and trade. Pelosi is using a House rule loophole that allows party leaders only to speak without a time limit when recognized.
A live broadcast of the speech can be seen here, from WGAC’s news partner Fox News.