Protect The Ones You Love
Recently, Austin Rhodes shared a personal story that explains why he feels so strongly about the 2nd Amendment and our rights as American citizens to protect ourselves.
An unexpected acquaintance
Austin: You never can tell who you’re going to see out and about, and you never can tell when a story that you are telling, touches someone in a special way. When I got done last night, it was a conversation about why conservatives do what they do and why I feel about certain things the way that I feel, particularly the Second Amendment and I mentioned, as I often do on this show, the fact that I have several friends of mine, including one that I’ve known since first grade, who at one point in her life, needed to be able to reach for a gun to defend herself, and she was unable to do it.
Innocence taken
She didn’t have one. And she died that day. And I have no doubt knowing her, that if she had had access to a weapon, she would have used it. She would have protected herself and her friend. I think, when this happened back in 1988, there were just no – there was there was not a lot of reminders. There weren’t a lot of reminders on a daily basis how important it is to protect yourself, particularly if you’re in a retail setting, where you get a, you know, cash register and that kind of thing going on.
Alison Holley was her name. She and her friend Lee Shields were murdered by McArthur Lawton, who remains incarcerated to this moment. And last night, as I’m recounting that story. I thought about it much like I do every time I tell the story. And at the end of the talk, a young man came up to me in his early 30s, and he was introduced to me as Allison Holley’s nephew. Allison’s brother was this young man’s father, and he was in his early 30s. He never knew Allison. He certainly knew the story, but he he did not know her personally. And I got my cell phone out, and I immediately pulled out one of the pictures that I keep in my favorite file of photographs. First grade class, National Hills Elementary. Allison standing right over my back shoulder.
It was an honor to meet him. God bless. We’ll be back. Stay with us.
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