Amazon Will Pay You For Sharing
Amazon will pay you for sharing.
Here’s the way it works. With the company’s new “invite-only” Ad Verification program, the folks at Amazon are tracking what ads participants saw, where they saw them, and the time of day they were viewed.
What the company says they’re hoping to accomplish with this program is to offer a more “personalized-ad experience”. Additionally, it should reflect what customers have actually purchased.
The $2 reward only applies to Amazon users invited to participate in the program, although customers not invited can get added to a waitlist and maybe join later. Amazon has not divulged how the company decided who to invite.
The whole thing is part of the Amazon Shopping Panel, again, an invite only program where select customers can earn $10 per month if they upload eligible receipts from purchases made OUTSIDE Amazon.
The whole Ad-Verification program is limited to here and the UK. It was started in the wake of concerns from privacy advocates about how Amazon handles sensitive user data.
As one might imagine there are concerns as to how Amazon will use the data its collected. People are already assuming Amazon collects data from Alexa and Ring. When pressed, people were referred to their “privacy notice”
Other programs similar to this, launched by Google ten years ago, or by Facebook back in 2016 were shut down three years ago due to privacy concerns.
Would you consider participating? Do you already assume that these companies are gathering information on you whether you approve or not?
If you would like to read more about this, click here.