Central States Manufacturing to Establish Operations in Graniteville
Central States Manufacturing Inc. announced plans today to establish a metal building components company in Aiken County.
The $13 million facility will be located on Sage Mill Parkway in Graniteville and will create 70 new jobs.
The company manufactures and distributes a wide range of metal building products for various residential, recreational, commercial and architectural projects.
The new facility is expected to open in September, this year.
If you’re interested in a position, send a resume to gvresume@centralstatesmfg.com.
Mary Liz is the News Director and Co-Host of Augusta’s Morning News on WGAC. She spent 11 years as a News Director at an Indiana Radio Station. She has also worked as a former Police and Courts Reporter for The Republic Newspaper and Assistant Marketing Director of Merchants National Bank in Indianapolis. Mary Liz focuses most on local breaking news stories, feature stories on upcoming events, or community-service related organizations and the people who serve them. She has been with WGAC since 1995.