Shepeard Blood Center Has Urgent Need for Blood
Shepeard Community Blood Center is hosting a blood drive in Waynesboro on Sunday, thanks to weather-related cancellations earlier in the week.
Sunday’s blood drive will be held at A&A Minit Mart on Highway 23 South from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Shepeard officials say they need all blood types, but they’re currently in urgent need of O-positive, O-negative, and B-positive donations.
The first 15 donors Sunday will receive a $10 A&A Minit Mart or Subway gift card.
Donors must be in good general health, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be at least 17 years old (or 16 with written parental consent) to donate.
Mary Liz is the News Director and Co-Host of Augusta’s Morning News on WGAC. She spent 11 years as a News Director at an Indiana Radio Station. She has also worked as a former Police and Courts Reporter for The Republic Newspaper and Assistant Marketing Director of Merchants National Bank in Indianapolis. Mary Liz focuses most on local breaking news stories, feature stories on upcoming events, or community-service related organizations and the people who serve them. She has been with WGAC since 1995.