Kroger Hosting Job Fair on Saturday
Kroger is looking for seasonal workers and they’re hosting a hiring event this Saturday. The one-day job fair is for all Atlanta Division stores, which include Georgia, South Carolina and Eastern Alabama.
If you’re interested in applying, click on the link,
The company hopes to fill more than 863 positions for the holiday season. Saturday’s job fair will be held at all Kroger locations between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. No appointments are needed.
Mary Liz is the News Director and Co-Host of Augusta’s Morning News on WGAC. She spent 11 years as a News Director at an Indiana Radio Station. She has also worked as a former Police and Courts Reporter for The Republic Newspaper and Assistant Marketing Director of Merchants National Bank in Indianapolis. Mary Liz focuses most on local breaking news stories, feature stories on upcoming events, or community-service related organizations and the people who serve them. She has been with WGAC since 1995.