Final Pass Debris Removal Updates On Columbia County Webpage
Final pass debris removal operations began Monday, February 17, in Columbia County.
Columbia County Manager Scott Johnson says once this second round of Hurricane Helene debris removal has been completed along county and city roads, the process will be finished.
County officials announced today the launch of a dedicated webpage that will give residents up-to-date information on the list of roads where debris removal has been completed.
“As roads are cleared, they will be marked complete by CERES Environmental. Each completed road will undergo a final verification process, including photo documentation by Debris Tech and county staff, to ensure accuracy and compliance,” according to a news release from Cassidy Harris, Columbia County Public Relations Manager.
Once officials have confirmed that information, the road will be added to the webpage. Once roads are added to the list, residents need to be aware they should no longer place any additional debris along the right-of-way on those routes. It won’t get picked up.
Officials say there is no set schedule for when debris removal will take place in specific neighborhoods. The best thing to do is monitor the county’s webpage regularly for updates on the completion of the final pass in their area.
Final Pass Information Available Now On The Website
Columbia County residents can access final pass debris pickup information on the county’s official website,
So far, there’s no timeline available as to when officials think the final pass of debris pickup will be completed.