Man Luring Children With Candy Caught In Screven County
A man luring children to his vehicle with candy on Wednesday is now behind bars in Screven County.
A news release from the Screven County Sheriff’s Office Wednesday night said authorities were actively searching for Bobby Roberts, who was spotted in the Water Oak Road area in Sylvania.
“Bobby Roberts thought it was a smart idea to entice children to get inside his vehicle by offering them candy. When Deputies made contact with Bobby’s vehicle, he decided to flee from law enforcement,” said Screven County officials in a news release.
The statement said the children were safe at home after the incident.
Roberts abandoned his vehicle during a pursuit last night and he stayed on the run until this morning.
Man Luring Children Now in Custody
“At approximately 9:04 this morning, Bobby Roberts was taken into custody by the Screven County Sheriff’s Office,” according to updated information from authorities there.
Investigators say they are in the process of questioning Roberts and any pending charges against him won’t be released until later today.