Austin Talks Herschel Walker and President Biden
With so many mainstream media types slamming Herschel Walker for his years for his “tall tales and fish stories” that he sometimes told as an entertainer and professional celebrity…it is time to remind the world that however imperfect Walker may be in this sense… President Joe Biden likely takes the record for spinning all kinds of fibs, and stealing the words and thoughts of others, all while serving as an elected US Senator!
While old age-inspired dementia is being blamed for many of the President’s recent gaffes, he was fit as a fiddle while earning the reputation of Washington’s worst plagiarist and prevaricator since becoming a Senator in 1972.
Jesse Watters presented a great summation of this history on his Fox News Channel show “Jesse Watters Primetime” last night (7-19-22), and I was happy to share that clip today in the first hour of The Austin Rhodes Show.