American Airlines Plans 19,000 Furloughs
American Airlines says it will furlough or lay off 19,000 employees in October as it struggles with a sharp downturn in travel because of the pandemic. Flight attendants will bear the heaviest cuts, with 8,100 losing their jobs.
The numbers announced today are in addition to 23,500 employees who accepted buyouts, retired early or took long-term leaves of absence.
U.S. air travel has recovered slightly since April, but remains down 70% from a year ago, and carriers say they need fewer workers.
In March, passenger airlines got $25 billion from the government to save jobs for six months, but that money and a ban on furloughs both expire October 1.
Mary Liz is the News Director and Co-Host of Augusta’s Morning News on WGAC. She spent 11 years as a News Director at an Indiana Radio Station. She has also worked as a former Police and Courts Reporter for The Republic Newspaper and Assistant Marketing Director of Merchants National Bank in Indianapolis. Mary Liz focuses most on local breaking news stories, feature stories on upcoming events, or community-service related organizations and the people who serve them. She has been with WGAC since 1995.