We All Have Aches And Pains
You’re not alone. We all have aches and pains, at least most of us do. According to some new research from the University of Michigan, 70% of people over 50 years old experience joint pain at least every now and then. 60% have been told they have some form of arthritis. Among those diagnosed with arthritis, 45% say they have pain every day, 49% say it somewhat limits their activities.
Managing Aches and Pains
Now about 80% of folks suffering from joint paint say that they’re confident they can manage it on their own.
Here’s how we do that…66% do it with over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol, Advil, or Aleve. 26% report taking supplements. 11% use CBD and 9% use marijuana. 18% use prescription-only non-opioid pain relievers. 19% get steroid injections, 14% take oral steroids, and 14% use opioids.
About 64% of the respondents with joint pain do use exercise and 24% have had PT.
My Own Experience
I play a lot of golf, and I’m 64 years old. Never been able to figure out if I hurt because of the amount of golf or the number of years. I can tell you this. Back in March, on the advice of my doctor, I fasted for three days. It wasn’t that hard, I really didn’t feel hungry until the afternoon of the third day, but, the inflammation I felt was totally gone. I loved the way I felt. I’ve promised myself to do it again and often. I have yet to do it.
I also ask my friends, all of whom are older than me and have had some body parts replaced, if they had had chronic pain for years, or if was this something that just happened recently. Almost everyone says it was chronic, long-term pain. Honestly, I like hearing that. I really don’t want anything replaced. I like the parts I have.
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