Japanese Encouraging Their Young To Drink More
Well, this is different, the Japanese government thinks that young people aren’t drinking enough.
Seems that since the pandemic, bars, other businesses that sell alcohol have been hit hard. Sales are down, revenue from liquor taxes is down. So here is what the government is suggesting, create a contest to find new ways to encourage young people to drink more.
It’s called “Sake Vita”. Participants are invited to submit ideas on how to “stimulate demand among young people” for alcohol.
The contest has promotional ideas for all types of Japanese alcohol. Applications are open until September 9th.
Finalists will gather in October, before a final tournament in November in Tokyo.
As you might imagine, not everyone is on board with this idea. People are pointing out that it seems inappropriate for a government agency to encourage this sort of thing.
With COVID there were fewer opportunities to drink in public, with bars and pubs closed. That being the case, drinking at home “increased significantly”. With the exception of young adults. Seems that 30% of Japanese in their 40s to 60s drink regularly, meaning three or more days a week. People in their 20s, just 7.8% drink regularly.
If you would like to read more about this, just click here.