What Are The Simple Things That Make You Happy?
What are the simple things that make you happy?
We talked about this on the show this morning.A British company Alpen Delight, commissioned a study to find out what little things bring people happiness. The company sent a TV personality to a shopping center to find out.
They ended up talking to 2000 adults and the finding prompted a spokesperson for Alpen Delight to say this, “The nicest things are those (that) are totally unexpected. They don’t have to be big things-sometimes little moments lead to big smiles.”
The List
So in no particular order here are some of the things people came up with. Small things that make them happy…
- Finding money in a coat or a pair of pants
- Getting a surprise refund
- Receiving a compliment from a stranger
- Having someone let you jump in line at the supermarket
- Hearing your favorite song on the radio
- Receiving a bonus at work
- Getting constant green lights on the road
- Hearing your baby’s first words
- Receiving unexpected affection from your partner
- Being understood by someone else when you’re talking
- Encountering a familiar smell from your childhood
- Hearing from a loved one randomly that they’re proud of you
- Finding a treasured lost item
- Waking up before your alarm goes off and getting to sleep longer
- Getting upgraded, on a flight or at a hotel
- Thinking it’s Thursday when it’s really Friday
- Having a child start a conversation with you
- Receiving a postcard in the mail
- Hitting the exact number when getting gas
- Coming home from work and your partner has cooked dinner
- Having a work meeting canceled at the last minute
- Seeing a car’s funny license plate
- Being asked for ID
- Receiving breakfast in bed
- Hearing from your teenager that they want to spend time with you
- Receiving a gift of baked goods from a neighbor
- Bumping into an old schoolteacher, and they recognize you
- Catching the eye of a musician on stage while they’re performing
- Witnessing a marriage proposal
The folks in the survey would say they would feel “delighted”, “optimistic” and “grateful” when they bring happiness to other people.
Most of the people in the survey (84%) said these kind of moments in life restore their hope in humanity.
How do you feel about some of these?