What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
What would you tell your younger self?
One of my favorite lyrics comes from Bob Seger’s “Against The Wind”…when he says “I wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then”. Seger, in the song is referring to a love that was lost. As I’ve gotten older, I wish the “older me” would have been able to tell the “younger me” a few things.
Apparently I’m not alone. This morning on the air we talked about a recent survey that asked, “What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?”
The Top 20 Pieces of Advice To Your Younger Self
- Be More Confident (I would have liked to have known that in my thirties. It took being fired and having to figure out how I would proceed from that to gain the confidence I wish I’d had then).
- Try Not To Care What Other People Think (Again, wisdom that comes with age. As I grew older I cared less and less about what other people thought of me. Most importantly my work. I do the best I can, and I hope you like it. If you don’t there’s not a lot I can do about that).
- Don’t Let Opportunities Pass You By.
- Look After Your Physical Health (I think we all wish we had done a better job of that).
- Don’t Waste Time With Negative People (Kinda proud to say I’ve always subscribed to that rule).
- Learn From Your Mistakes (I hope I do, and I hope to keep doing that).
- Save 10% Of Your Wages Every Month (I WILL ALWAYS REGRET NOT DOING THIS)
- Eat Healthy (I try everyday to be better at this).
- Go On All The Vacations You Can (I’m horrible at this. I never use all of my personal time).
- Invest In Property Early (Never have. Never will).
- Don’t Settle (I’ve been pretty good at this one).
- Relax And Enjoy The Ride (I’m really better at this).
- Look After Your Mental Health (Work in progress).
- Spend More Time With Your Parents (Mine are gone).
- Celebrate The Little Wins (I’m pretty good at that).
- Take More Risks (I’ve gotten much better at that).
- Don’t Be Afraid Of Dating Rejection.
- Always Be There For Your Friends (Always. Every Day).
- Take More Photos (Getting better).
- Be Disciplined With Your time (Again, a work in progress).
As I look at that list, and ponder it’s meaning… my goal is to be better tomorrow than I am today. Sometimes it’s baby steps, but baby steps are still steps forward.
How do you measure up to the list?