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Dave and Chuck The Freak

Cookie Shot Glasses Sure to Be a Holiday Hit

Nestlé Toll House has introduced a new product for holiday baking, cookie shot glasses. These unique treats are made with a chocolate chip cookie exterior and a coating of melted chocolate morsels on the inside. Carlo Ramírez de Arellano, Senior Brand Manager at Nestlé Toll House, emphasized the brand's open-minded approach to cookie creation, stating, "At NESTLÉ TOLL HOUSE, no matter how you make, shape or bake cookies, we believe there's no wrong way to do it." He continued to state in the news release, "Americans prefer chocolate chip cookies 3:1 over any other cookie and this year, bakers can get even more creative in the kitchen with our cookie shot glasses. We're excited that our classic recipe helps fans discover new ways to say 'cheers.'" Experimenting with cookie shot glasses. Encouraging experimentation, the brand suggests letting "creative energy flow" by customizing the cookie shot glass rims. Suggestions include flavoring with nutmeg, cinnamon, or chili powder, or changing the internal coating with a preferred morsel. Beyond the creative process, enthusiasts can fill the cookie shots with their beverage of choice, whether it's a classic pairing like milk or something more spirited. For a limited time, until Friday, December 8, fans have the opportunity to win their own Nestlé Toll House Shot Kit by entering an online giveaway. Each kit includes cookie dough, morsels, a baking mold, and a $25 gift card for selecting a beverage to complement the cookie shots. If you don’t walk away with the prize, the brand reassures you that anyone can make this festive treat at home. While Nestlé Toll House doesn't provide an official recipe for the cookie shots, various "do it yourself" recipes are available online. For example, The Stay At Home Chef on YouTube offers a simple tutorial. You just have to gather chocolate chip cookie ingredients, mix, place the mixture in a popover pan, and press to shape the bottom and sides, leaving a central opening for the later addition of milk. Those interested can explore one of the many “dupe” recipes available online. [select-listicle listicle_id="671360" syndication_name="7-festive-games-and-activities-for-a-memorable-holiday-party" description="yes"]

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