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We’re only 3 days into the New Year, and maybe you made some New Year’s resolutions.  If so, hopefully, you’re still going strong.  But according to a new study from WalletHub, Augusta is not a great place for New Year’s resolutions!

In fact, Augusta is the 4th worst city for New Year’s resolutions! Whether it’s health-related, financial, or something else, Augusta doesn’t rank well. Atlanta, on the other hand, came in at number 15 in the list of BEST cities for New Year’s resolutions!

Here are a few highlights about Augusta not being a great place for New Year’s Resolutions, thanks to Diana Polk at WalletHub:

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions in Augusta (1=Best; 91=Avg.):

  • 169th – % of Obese Adults
  • 176th – Access to Exercise Opportunities
  • 33rd – Avg. Monthly Fitness-Club Fee
  • 172nd – % of Delinquent Debtors
  • 84th – Job Opportunities
  • 138th – Income Growth
  • 170th – Share of Adult Smokers
  • 30th – Binge Drinking

According to some of their research, WalletHub also found 4 in 10 people think this year will be even harder when it comes to sticking to their resolutions. And of course, part of keeping your resolutions includes picking a good one! Many people are making financial resolutions… and that means paying off debt, building up emergency funds, or simply paying bills on time.

Health resolutions can also be tough… and some of that can be due to where you’re located.  If you live in a busy place without sidewalks, you’re less likely to get out and walk or job.  Maybe you don’t have a gym nearby.  There are many reasons it can feel like you’re set up for failure when it comes to any resolution.

But as far as finding out where American’s are most likely to stick to their resolutions, WalletHub took some of the most popular resolutions and ranked 180 cities. For each city, they looked at 57 various metrics, which included exercise opportunities, income growth, and employment outlook.

Here are the top 10 BEST Cities for New Year’s Resolutions:

  • 10. Orlando, FL

    Photo of Orlando, Florida Skyline

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    63.43 39 79 2 49 13
  • 9. Austin, TX

    Photo of Austin, Texas

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    63.45 58 30 15 44 8
  • 8. San Diego, CA

    San Diego

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    64.36 5 95 39 40 6
  • 7. Fremont, CA

    Fremont, California

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    64.49 2 2 50 2 84
  • 6. Irvine, CA

    Irvine, California

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    64.63 3 53 1 6 54
  • 5. Overland Park, KS

    Overland Park, KS

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    64.82 22 1 7 9 75
  • 4. Salt Lake City, UT

    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Downtown

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    64.92 24 43 16 8 16
  • 3. Scottsdale, AZ

    Photo of Scottsdale, Arizona

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    65.22 4 11 10 31 29
  • 2. San Francisco, CA

    San Francisco, CA

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    67.15 7 12 38 90 2
  • 1. Seattle, WA

    Seattle, WA

    Total Score  Health Resolutions  Financial Resolutions  School & Work Resolutions  Bad-Habit Resolutions  Relationship Resolutions 
    67.37 8 4 61 20 3

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