Golf Is Dangerous
Believe it or not, golf is dangerous. It’s the most dangerous for a certain group of people.
Ok, let’s dig a little deeper, it’s not THE most dangerous, it’s actually the 10th most dangerous on the list.
The National Safety Council did the research, the results are from 2022. Here’s some of what they discovered.
What Is The Most Dangerous Sport?
The most dangerous sport is… basketball. Over 300,000 people were admitted to hospitals with basketball-related injuries. Just about half of the people admitted were between the ages of 15-24.
Football was the second most dangerous sport, with over 250,000 people admitted to the hospital. Of those, more than half were children between the ages of 5-14.
Third on the list is swimming. Think swimmer’s ear, shoulder impingement, and such.
Next is soccer. You could probably figure that with the number of people of all ages that play. More than half of the over 179,000 injuries were, again, to children between the ages of 5-14.
How about baseball and softball? Rotator cuff tears, hamstrings. More than 136,000 injuries
Trampolining. Over 130,000 hospital admissions. Most admissions are for children younger than 5 years old.
Skating. Not a lot of that is done down here, but overall, over 76,000 folks were admitted.
Eighth on the list are lacrosse, rugby, and other ball games. Again, most common for children 5-14 years old, but 15–24-year-olds were close behind.
Up next, skiing and snowboarding. Again, probably not in this neck of the woods, but overall, more than 66,000 injuries that required hospitalization.
Golf Is Dangerous
Finally, 10th on the list, the game of golf. Unlike the other sports, the age group with the highest number of hospital admissions for golf, over 65 years old. As a matter of fact, for folks over 65, golf is the most dangerous sport. Probably aren’t that many 65-year-old rugby players.
The firm of John Foy & Associates commissioned the study.