Bed, Bath & Beyond and Buy Buy Baby Winding Down Operations
By the end of June, company officials say all 360 Bed, Bath & Beyond and 120 Buy Buy Baby stores should be closed for good after declaring bankruptcy in April. A lackluster holiday shopping season led to a series of layoffs and some store closures. Now, both stores are in their final weeks of operation.
Bed, Bath & Beyond and Buy Buy Baby are currently advertising they now have new discounts and bigger savings of 30 to 50% off the lowest tickets prices. The company stopped accepting gift cards and merchandise credits last month and all sales are final. Even store fixtures are on sale.
The stores closing in Augusta will leave two large vacancies at shopping centers on Robert C. Daniel Parkway.
For parents concerned about what will happen to their baby registry, Buy Buy Baby issued a formal statement. “Your registry data is safe and you can still view your registry at this time.” Officials also say they expect to partner with another platform where parents will be able to transfer their data and complete their registry.
Both Bed, Bath & Beyond and Buy Buy Baby are expected to close their doors for good on June 30.