Bathing And Digestion
Did you know that your bathing habits could affect your digestion?
Apparently, a dietician in India, Dr. Dimple Jangda had these suggestions when it comes to bathing and taking care of your digestive system.
Drink Some Water First
Dr. Dimple says that you should drink a glass of water before taking a shower. She says a glass of warm or room temperature water BEFORE getting into the shower can help lower your blood pressure. Drinking the water widens your blood vessels from the inside, allowing more blood to flow through them, therefore, lowering your blood pressure.
Don’t Hop In The Shower Right After Eating
Next, don’t take a shower on a full stomach. The Dr. says it weakens the digestive fire. After eating, the body rushes blood to the digestive system to help in the digestion process. Taking a shower, “distracts the blood flow from the stomach and instead, rushes it to the surface of the skin. Taking a shower after eating could also lead to cramps, indigestion, or bloating.
No Showers At Night
One more suggestion, don’t take a shower at night. Dr. Jangda says our body naturally begins to “cool down” after sunset. It’s a signal that it’s time for bed. Taking a shower at this time can block the skin pores trapping the body heat within. It could then disrupt your sleep. She suggests that you should also use lukewarm water to below your heart level to improve blood circulation. You should also wash your face with room-temperature water to protect your skin.
Finally, the Dr. does go on to say that cold water baths are good when you’re recovering from an injury. Helps with reducing swelling, it helps flush lactic acid out of your body, and causes your blood vessels to constrict.
So remember all of that the next time all you’re wanting to do is crawl into your shower for a little peace and quiet and relax.
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