Applications For Absentee Voting in General Election in Georgia Now Available
Board of Election officials in Richmond and Columbia Counties say today is the first day they’re accepting absentee ballot applications for the upcoming November 8th General Election.
All registered voters in the state are eligible to vote from home, but there’s less time to request and return an absentee ballot now, thanks to a new ruling from the General Assembly.
It now requires that voters wait until 78 days before Election Day, not 180 days as previously specified, to request an absentee ballot.
Applications will be accepted now through October 28. Officials say they will begin mailing absentee ballots starting October 10.
A new website,, allows voters to download and print an absentee application, then upload the signed form. You can also contact the county election office and ask for a blank application to be mailed, or pick one up in-person at the board of election office.