Nightly Task; Deciding On Dinner
There is some stress involved with a nightly task, the task of deciding what dinner will be tonight.
It’s unusual in our lives, in that I’m the one that decides what dinner will be. I’m the one that buys it, and I’m the one that cooks it.
This happens for a variety of reasons.
1.) Lisa hates anything involved with cooking
2.) My schedule allows me to be home and able to start the process at a decent hour (we’ll get to that later”)
3.) Lisa hates anything involved with cooking
4.) I like cooking
If left up to her, we’d be eating chips and cookies each night.
Now there is a bit of a challenge, in that Lisa doesn’t eat meat. Meat of any kind. She does eat fish and for that reason, whenever we go out to eat, it’s never a problem for her to find something on a menu that appeals to her. Unless, we find ourselves at a BBQ joint, or a German restaurant. They do pose a bit of a problem.

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
So I’ve gone about working on dinner a few different ways. First, I created various nights for various dinners. For a long time, Monday nights were “Mac & Cheese Mondays”. Nothing fancy, a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. After months of doing that, it did seem like we should try a little harder to have something a little healthier. We also have, “Sushi Wednesday”. We get the sushi freshly made, from Fresh Market and have that. It does kind of make the planning easier.
Other choices involves me making salmon for her, chicken for me. I will admit, because she doesn’t eat meat, over the years, I’ve probably eaten much less meat than if left to my own devices. As far as a steak is concerned, that’s now a special occasion for me, having a good about once every six or eight weeks.
Getting back to eating at a decent hour, she has never been a fan of eating before 7pm. What we’re discovering though, that’s not the best time to eat as one grows a little older. My doctor wants at least three hours between dinnertime and bedtime. Hard to do when bedtime is 10pm.
How do you deal with dinners? Has it gotten harder or easier since the pandemic? Are your meals planned out, or do you dine “by the seat of your pants?”
Not enough time to tackle the topic here, but next time, we’ll get into the “wanna go out and eat?” “where do you want to go?” conversation.
These are some of our favorite spots
Just to name a few…

(Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)